Monday, May 7, 2012

#41 of 50 "The Writing On The Wall"

"The Writing On The Wall", Watercolor, Acrylic & Ink, 5"x5", SOLD
"The Writing On The Wall" I was sitting at the Tiki Bar in my patio sketching when I noticed that birds loved landing on these two stretched limbs. First I saw a Blue Jay and then two minutes later a Mockingbird. I immediately recorded it in my sketchbook and then added a little wash of color to bring it to life. I don't usually work from a color sketch unless it is a larger painting. This one just wanted to come to life capturing those inquisitive talking and singing birds. It captured someone's attention as you can see that it has already sold. All of these paintings in the "50 Series" are $100. each. You can scroll through the blog to see what is still available. There's 9 more coming your way when I have a chance to paint again this next weekend.   

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