Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Exhibit Wall at Hudson Street Wineries

The 2nd Wall of the Exhibit "The Music Series", Hudson Street Wineries

The Exhibit Continues through Monday, April 2. Stop in to taste up to 20 different wines from 5 "boutique" wineries and enjoy  the art. hudsonstreetwineries.com  I am still so overwhelmed at the reception attendance. All of the paintings have been updated with SOLD signs in their title captions. If you see a piece that catches your eye and it is SOLD, remember I can do a special order for you. The paintings are $100 each (plus tax/shipping). I'm still enjoying a few of the mini cupcakes from the show. They are "little works of art" created by Marcie Anderson. Check it out at: marciescupcakes.com.     

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